7th Heaven
Animal Rescue Trust
E-mail us to : animalrescuetrust@hotmail.com
Phone: 02894 432229
Address: PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, BT36 9BP

Pet Friendly Landlords
One of the main reasons 7th Heaven has identified as to why people are asking us to take in their animal is because they are moving into rented accommodation and are finding it difficult, if not impossible, to find a landlord that will allow them to keep their pet.
We find that this is leading to animals being handed into charities like ourselves and council pounds, or having to be destroyed by them unnecessarily.
To try to counteract this, we are trying to compile a list of pet friendly landlords throughout Northern Ireland. It will be free to landlords who wish to join. We will also promote them and their properties. As there are appear to be an increasing number of pet owners being affected by this issue and as we get a high number of people checking out our website and facebook, it could also be beneficial to the landlords as they will get free promotion of their business.
We also offer free support to help search for a home for those in crisis trying to find a place for them and their pet.
If you are a landlord and would like to be included on our list, email us with the following information:
Your name, contact details – phone; e-mail; website (as appropriate); (own address if you choose)
The address of your property / properties
The type of accommodation you provide
What type and number of pets are allowed
Any other restrictions
Details if any additional charges that may apply
Seeking Pet Friendly Properties
If you would like our help please let us know details of what you are looking for; what type of accommodation you are looking for (inc any specifics) when you are due to move here & for how long, your contact no (see example below) Please give us as much notice as possible.
We don't have any landlords registered at the moment as things change quickly, but we will advertise and post details to see if anyone can help

Good News update- Aug 19
We would like to share some good news with you. Do you remember the family we were helping find a pet friendly landlord in Carrick? They had not been able to find anyone willing to let them keep their 2 beloved dogs and if they couldn’t find anywhere their options were to be homeless or give up their pets, which was devastating to them.
Well as a result, they received several offers from kind and generous landlords in the area (thank you every one of you for this!). They have let us know that because of your help, they have found a dog friendly landlord and have agreed to move at the end of August. The new home has an amazing dog run with shelter and heated kennel if they are outside. The whole family thank everyone so much and especially from Max and Maisie who can live the rest of their lives happy with them.
There’s nothing more special than being able to help keep pets with their owners in their homes!

Allow Joanna to keep her emotional support pets in supported housing
7th Heaven rarely asks to to sign a petition as there are so many good causes out there and it's your choice. However we have been personally contacted Joanna, who lives in England, with a heartbreaking request that touched us deeply.
7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust campaigns to encourage landlords to allow people to keep their pets. Moving to a new home and having to rehome your pet can be traumatic and have a long term effect on the person. But what about the pet that is having to be torn from their loved one? Not only can it be difficult to find the right home for it, but the animal will have bonded with it's owner and will be distressed and not be able to understand what is happening. Animals are known to help people in stress and can give them a reason to live. Clearly Joanna has a very loving bond with her pets and they are giving a meaning to her life. The struggle she must be going through must be overwhelming for her - to be offered a safe place to stay, but to to do so, she must give up her pets. We hope that the YMCA / housing association can help her and let her keep her pets. She shouldn't have to make this terrible choice.
We will do what we can to help her, but can we encourage you to sign the petiton please.
25/5/17 We have just got good news from Joanna: Thank you a lot. I've had a positive response and my pets can move in with me to the supported accommodation.